
Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful, debilitating condition. It manifests itself as stiff, swollen joints with varying degrees of associated pain caused partly due to nerve damage and partly by the pressure of the swollen area.

Conventional treatment includes use of anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids, typically cortisone injections or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These certainly can ease the painful effects but unfortunately do not repair damaged tissues. There can also be undesirable side effects, particularly thinning of the skin and osteoporosis. Although many NSAIDs are available, each one has the potential to cause stomach ulcers.
Repairing damaged tissue by regenerating cells is a function at which Aloe Vera has been shown to be most successful. It not only relieves the painful symptoms but also helps to disperse damaged tissue - a type of detoxification process. Aloe Vera may be taken both internally as a juice or as a gel applied to the painful joint. Here Aloe Vera's deep penetration may show benefit.

The degree of success with this treatment varies considerably from person to person. With some, relief and improved joint flexibility is virtually immediate - an apparent 'magical' cure, whereas in others, the process can take much longer and the degree of recovery may not be so great.

In any event, an important fact must be remembered: Aloe Vera has no known adverse side effects. It is an extract from the leaf of the Aloe Vera plant, known throughout the world where it grows naturally as the 'First Aid Plant', the 'Burn Plant', the 'Miracle Plant' and the 'Medicine Plant'.

MSM and Arthritis by the Arthritis Foundation
After James Coburn won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor a while ago, he credited the supplement MSM for helping him overcome the pain and disability of rheumatoid arthritis. MSM, he said in many interviews, made it possible for him to work.

Animal studies found MSM eased Rheumatoid Arthritis-like symptoms in mice, and it prolonged life for mice with a condition similar to lupus nephritis.
But even now, there are no scientifically accepted human studies, and what works in animals doesn't always work in humans. A company that produces MSM says that human studies show MSM relieves the pain of Osteo-Arthritis and other conditions. However, these studies are not published in peer-reviewed medical journals and there is a potential conflict of interest.

Aloe Vera is naturally anti-inflammatory. It will move through the body to the swelling and calm the inflammation. Its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties will also help fight any secondary infection. The result is less pain even though the arthritis is not cured (there is no known 'cure' for arthritis). Many choose Aloe Vera over conventional drugs because it is a natural anti-inflammatory.

Drink a very high quality Aloe Vera Gel two or three times daily. Generally 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch and last thing before bed. The amount you drink is up to you. Generally speaking start with a small amount (1 desert spoon, 3 times a day) and build it up (at least 2 tablespoons, 3 times a day). If the arthritis is severe and the general state of health is poor this may require 1-2 litres per week initially until improvements are seen. Maintenance dose of around 60ml two times a day should then suffice.
WHY? Aloe is naturally anti-inflamatory and so will calm the swelling around the joints. Aloe is also a natural pain inhibitor.

Other Supplements to take with Aloe Vera Drink for Maximum Results

Omega3 Fish Oil
Take 6 high quality Fish Oil tablets high in Omega 3 (to ensure this only use tablets made with the oil of fish from below the artic ice caps)
WHY? This fish oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPA) which blocks the process where aracidonic acid converted into inflammatory prostaglandins. This then helps control the pain and inflammation
I will recommend:  Forever Arctic Sea Super Omega 3.

Garlic Supplements
Take 6 capsules (2 before each meal) of a pure and easy to digest garlic supplement.
WHY? Garlic is a powerful antioxidant which also helps strengthen the body's own immune system.
I will recommend: Forever Garlic and Thyme

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Supplements
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a special protein that our bodies produce to lubricate and cushion our joints and muscles, as well as to insure adequate skin hydration. As we age, our bodies produce less and less HA. With less HA, our joints can lose their natural lubrication, and our skin appears rough and dry. Until recently, HA had to be injected because the digestive system could not absorb it in its natural state; but thanks to the Injuv® process, HA may now be consumed orally. And for centuries, Chinese herbalists have used Ginger and Turmeric to help promote proper joint function.
•Lubricates the joints and moisturizes skin
•Unique form of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid
•Contains beneficial ginger and turmeric root for the joints

I will recommend: Forever Active HA® provides a unique form of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, with moisturizing and lubricating properties, plus Ginger Oil and Turmeric making it one of the most powerful nutritional joint and skin moisturizing supplements on the market.

Massage a mixture of Eucalyptus and Aloe Vera (where Aloe is the number one ingredient) into the skin around affected joints
WHY? The Eucalyptus oil stimulates blood movement near the skins surface which helps calm the pain around joints such as the knees, ankles, elbows and fingers. The Aloe takes the Eucalyptus deep into the skin where it can be more effective.

How long will it take for Aloe Vera to work with Arthritis?
Recovery time will depend on the overall state of health and the quality of the products used. As a general rule of thumb you should allow one month for every year you have had arthritis. Other factors include other ailments you suffer from and the quality of your diet.

To this end I will recommend the following products from our company
1. Aloe Vera Gel
2. Forever Active HA
3. Forever Arctic Sea Super Omega3 Fish Oils
4. Forever Garlic and Thyme
5. MSM Gel for massaging.


LUCY ONSARIGO  on +1-469-288-5112 My FLP NUMBER is 254000087468 
that is if you wish to buy online wherever you are in the world.

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Referring Distributor ID# 254000087468


  1. aloe vera should be used with some word of cautions..as mentioned in this blog http://brightnessoflight.cu.cc/?p=34

  2. very nice post. Thank you for sharing. It is really helpful.
    Renew life heartburn stop

  3. What is the cost of all the medicine referred above

  4. Thanks for sharing your post. There are countless brands of joint pain supplements the best of ones is a daunting choice. I suggest hashmi painazone capsule. visit http://www.jointpainclinic.com/body-aches-pains-natural-relief-for-muscle-joint-pains.html

  5. product will have a home delivery option if we order the product

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. A lot of pain killers and other medications are available but the problem takes its time approximately 6 to 8 months to get recovered from the problem but the relief is not permanent as this suppresses with the uses of medicines but Healthnfitnessvigilante has its solution as it is economical and effective as well and further it is free of any side effects that might further agreviate the problem.

  8. IAM suffering from arthritis kindly help me to choose something which can help me fast thank

    1. Pure aloe barbaredence or aloe vera juice, you should juice it yourself from pure leaves, in the early morning, in the afternoon and before bed. in my case i drank large doses, each time juiced one big leafe, or two times a day 4 leaves. Also add turmeric+ginger+lemon+ black pepper+ honey tea; if it is osteoarthritis, you can add good supplement of pure glucosamine sulfate, chondroutin, Msm, hialuronuc acid, vitamine D3, barefoot coral calcium, you must change your diet completely, you can also cut aloe in half and rub the gel on painful areas. First of all you should change the diet. No sugar, gluten, diery ...

  9. Great blog, Thanks for sharing. valueable and useful. Love it.
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  10. Thanks for Sharing this informative blog over here.
    Aloe vera juice is a gooey, thick liquid made from the flesh of the aloe vera plant leaf. It's commonly known to treat sunburns.
    Improves digestion
    Natural cleanser
    Energizer-promote good metabolism
    Cells regeneration

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.
